Monday, June 30, 2008

World Hunger

Millions of peole around the world are starving and it's getting worse evryday because there is a global food shortage. Every 4 second someone dies from hunger somewhere in the world because they're hungry. Hunger kills more people than war, AIDS, malaria, climate change, etc., the problem is worse than ever before.
At the dawn of a new millennium, the continent that some say witnessed the birth of the first human civilizations -- may be dying. As widespread drought, starvation and the unchecked spread of deadly diseases continue -- the numbers of people dying on a daily basis throughout Africa is staggering.6,030 lives each day," one report stated. "The number of those dying is expected to double during the next decade."In addition to the AIDS crisis, starvation is also claiming lives. One international relief agency recently discovered a village in a remote region of West Africa where more than 18,000 people were on the verge of starvation. "Malnutrition is so great in this area," a relief worker explained, "that most of the children under five years old had starved to death before we arrived. An entire hillside was covered with fresh graves of the children who had recently died.
Hundreds of people everyday are suffering with starvation like this innocent little boy or girl.